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As a customer/ambassador you have the opportunity to produce economical growth and increase your financial income by selling or referring others to the products.  If you know that you are blessed and you intend to give off good energy, why shouldn't you get paid for it??? This is the first opportunity where you are able to get paid for your spirit and increase your mental spiritual value at the same time.  We typically pay the church for spiritual value through our tithes, offerings and community service; however, we have to go to the facility, itself, to receive that spiritual value.  We want you to continue to go to church and attend to increase your spiritual growth in whatever you currently serve.  We simply provide an opportunity that allows you to be conscious, spiritual, connected to a unified truth, and in position to have a system that increases your income while enriching a better humanity.  With more income opportunities it seems to relieve stress. Just to B.E ABLE to make money for having a good spirit.  Being that you have merchandise, you can now sell merchandise.

Supplemental income Wears You!

Do you want to make a living selling products that represent who you are?  Click below.

Does getting paid to sell products by utilizing your talents appeal to you?  Click below.

If you'd like to get paid just because you're blessed, click below.

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